Thursday, June 14, 2012

New toy

Dominic really loves to play in water so I decided to buy him a water table. I felt good about buying a big toy that takes up a lot of space, because I think that this is a toy that he will be able to enjoy for a couple years and it will be a good investment. And boy did I make the right choice! He LOVES the water table. He loves dumping the water all over himself, drinking the water, splashing the water, etc.. I'm excited for my nephew Caleb to come play with Dom and the table and for Lou to play with it next year too. I love just watching Dominic play and explore the world around him.
We went to the Gateway today and we decided to let Dominic play in the fountain. He really loved playing in the baby pool and fountains at the Roy Aquatic Center. So it seemed like something he would like. I was a little hesitant, because honestly I think it's a little weird when people take their kids to play in the fountain at the mall...especially in their clothes, which he was in. But he had so much fun! It's funny how proud I am of him when he's just out playing and exploring. But I was just beaming with pride! I just love that boy!!! He was running around laughing and screaming and stomping his feet, at one point he was poking his finger in the hole where the water comes out and it shot him in the face! He just kept on playing though.

This hat is super goofy, but it gets the job done and protects his little bald head like a champ!

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